Lex is a 17-year-old orphan who was raised in the brutal Orphanage in the Hub. When she was a child, she realized she had a flawless memory and unnaturally heightened eyesight and hearing. At 12, she was recruited to the Academy and trained to be a PCF officer, where she excelled at hand-to-hand combat, blaster marksmanship, and piloting speeders and patrollers. She is quick-tempered, impulsive, decisive and stubborn. She is quite skilled at the brutal game of zip ball played at the Orphanage and the Academy. She is tall, fit and strong, though still curvy. She has wild dark hair and brown eyes. Her right iris is imprinted with a tiny, green squiggle.

Livia is a 17-year-old orphan Airess, daughter of the famous geneticist Armand Cosmo and his cohabitant Delphia Cosmo. She was raised on Helix Island by Governess and her guardians, the cohabitants Waslo and Marius. She was taught by Life Guide and studied swordsmanship with Master. At a young age, she realized she could sense the emotions of those around her. At 7, she began Etiquette Training, where she was savagely singled out by the instructor, Etiquette Tutor, who took an instant dislike to her. The other girls in Etiquette Training treated Livia with disdain. She is graceful, empathetic and very smart. Her favorite pastime is riding her horse, Veda, the only living horse in Indra. Livia is very tall and thin. She has thick dark hair and brown eyes. She has a tiny, green squiggle imprinted in her right iris.

Kane is Lex’s best friend from the PCF Academy. He is 17 years old and has short, blond hair and hazel eyes. He is about 6 feet tall, strong and fit. He was Island-born and is charismatic, with an easy confidence. His lip curls on one side when he smiles. He is an excellent cadet, skilled at hand-to-hand combat, blaster marksmanship and piloting speeders but not as good as Lex. He is also artistic, a sculptor and a sound painter. When he meets Livia, they have an instant connection.

Zavier is a rebel from Rock Bottom and is part of Roscoe’s team that helps Lex and Livia rescue Kane from High Security Detainment. Zavier is in his early 20s and has shaggy brown hair. He has bright-blue eyes and is usually unshaven. He is 6'2" and well-muscled on a rugged frame. He was a tunnel runner before becoming Roscoe’s right-hand man. He is cocky, aggressive and generally grouchy. He can be tender, particularly when talking about his sister, Samantha.

Marius is Livia’s guardian and Waslo’s cohabitant. She is lovely and delicate in appearance and manner, though reserved. She is 5’2” which is short by the standards of Indrithian Upper Society. Marius is in her 50s, though she has no significant signs of aging, as there are advanced beauty regimens and enhancements available to Upper Indrithians. She has auburn hair, which she wears up, and kind blue eyes. In her role as guardian, Marius spent long days with Livia and escorted her to Etiquette Training at the Socialization Club.

Waslo is Livia’s guardian and Marius’s cohabitant. He was Armand Cosmo’s protégé. Waslo is tall, with white-blond hair slicked back from his hard, angular face. He is a very severe man in his 50s, though he has no significant signs, as there are advanced beauty regimens and enhancements available to Upper Indrithians. He always wears a gray suit.

Roscoe is the leader of the rebels from Rock Bottom that help Lex and Livia rescue Kane from High Security Detainment. He is Island-born and a lifelong friend of Armand and knew Delphia. Roscoe is tall and lean. He is in his 50s, with wrinkles at the corners of his warm eyes. There is both strength and kindness in him. Though he is tough, there is not a hint of aggression in his demeanor. At his core, he is a Proper Indrithian Gentleman, which shows in how he carries himself, the way he stands and his gestures.

Delphia (aka Delphia Cosmo)
Delphia was Lex and Livia’s mother and Armand’s cohabitant. In Rebels: City of Indra, she is seen only in Archive memories. She was beautiful, with high cheekbones and dark brown eyes. She had naturally rosy lips and wore one long braid down her back. According to Governess, she was a charming conversationalist and graceful dancer. She was very skilled on the air harp and was trained in swordsmanship using a zinger. This is the same zinger that Livia later finds and uses in her own training. Armand gifted Delphia the horse Veda, which she loved. Rebels: City of Indra SPOILER! Though Livia believed Delphia was dead, it is revealed that she is alive and living in the Outlands.

Armand (aka Armand Cosmo)
Armand was Lex and Livia's father, and Delphia's cohabitant. In Rebels: City of Indra, he is seen only in Archive memories and in his portrait at the High Council Building. He was handsome, with warm brown eyes that were clear and bright. He had thick, unruly dark hair. He was a famous geneticist, creator of the EX2 pill and considered an Indrithian of Importance. Livia has no memory of him.

Vippy (aka Vip, Vipsinia)
Vippy is a cadet at the Academy with Lex and Kane. She is a Hubber who admires Lex and is friendly toward her. She is tiny and has dark skin, with short, straight, black hair and wide brown eyes. She is a fierce cadet but can be warm with a bright smile. Rebels: City of Indra SPOILER! Vippy reveals she is a rebel when she helps Lex and Livia rescue Kane from High Security Detainment.

Jules is a 15-year-old Outlander. He is tall and slim, with fine features, brown eyes and dark hair that is a bit long. He is a thoughtful and empathetic person, as well as a mechanical and engineering genius. Time of the Twins SPOILER! Jules is one of Delphia’s sons, Enzo is his twin brother. Roscoe is his father.

Enzo is a 15-year-old Outlander. He is tall and well-built. He has brown eyes and short dark hair. He is an impulsive daredevil and can be short tempered and aggressive. Time of the Twins SPOILER! Enzo is one of Delphia’s sons, Jules is his twin brother. Roscoe is his father.

Ephraim is the rebels’ benefactor and an old friend of Roscoe’s. He was also Armand’s friend and colleague. He is a genius in science and engineering, and lives in the Islands. He is a small, energetic and wiry man in his 50s. He has keen hazel eyes and dark blond hair that is always slightly askew. Time of the Twins SPOILER! Ephraim is Kane's father.

Edward (aka Head Council Edward)
Edward is an old man on the Independent High Council and addressed as “Your Preeminence Head Council Edward.” He is cohabitant of Sivette, who is also on the Council. Edward is in his 80s, his face is taut from many rejuvenation procedures, his skin stretched tight over his sharp cheekbones. His smile is a hideous grimace. He is dressed in a bright green suit with a dark purple design on the collar. He has unnaturally thick dark hair and sharp brown eyes. Time of the Twins SPOILER! He is Delphia’s father and the grandfather of Lex and Livia.

Sivette is an old woman on the Independent High Council and Edward’s cohabitant. Her manner is commanding and there is a royal air about her. She is in her 80s but she has undergone many rejuvenation procedures, the resulting effects are severe and very unnatural. She is dressed in a bright green gown with a dark purple design on it that matches the design and colors of Edward’s garments. Time of the Twins SPOILER! She is Delphia’s mother and the grandmother of Lex and Livia.